Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Off he goes

My little Pookie-pie is on the move.  He is scooting around like a man on a mission.  He is trying really hard to go forward.  Generally it ends up being a series of swan dives.  He'll get up on his hands and knees, then his knees will try to do something and he plunges forward.  This action always seems to be near the coffee table.  Our coffee table is a heavy piece of furniture and sharp edges abound.  Pookie has managed to whack himself a few times on the table.  It's getting to the point where I'm tempted to surround the table in bubble wrap.  Or find a lovely ottoman with storage to use in place of the table.  Rob's all for the bubble wrap. 

Reverse however, Pookie has down pat.  I'll put him on his blanket on the floor and off he goes.  I keep having to rescue him from wherever he has lodged himself.  I'll plop him down so I can start dinner or whatever, then within a few minutes I can hear him sending out an SOS.  He makes the funniest distressed noises.  First, I need to find where he has managed to get himself stuck.  Luckily our living room isn't huge, and there are only a few places where he can get really wedged.  Generally by the time I find him all that can be seen is his head and arms.  Pookie has managed to find almost every dust bunny in my living room.  I've gotten to the point where I am tempted to attach Swiffers to him to help keep the floors clean.  But I think that may be on the verge of crossing the line. 

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