Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tree hunting

Pookie thinking that this is rather fun!

My husband's family has the tradition of cutting down your own tree, followed by lunch.  Seeing as it's Pookie's first Christmas, Rob was especially excited about getting a tree.  Our living room isn't very big.  And, I will admit it, we have a lot of furniture in the living room.  I've put the tree in different parts of the room, trying to figure out what spot works best.  This year, I have decided to squash the tree in a corner.  That way Pookie has fewer opportunities to pull it over.  Also, I can put a baby gate in front of it, if need be.  The corner that I put the tree in, isn't very big.  So before going to the tree farm, I gave Rob dimensions that the tree can not exceed.  Generally you have an idea of how big a tree you would like.  But when you actually get to the farm, all sense of space disappears.  Then you end up with a tree that over takes the room! 

This year I made sure Rob knew that we were looking for a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.  Of course, when I find the perfect tree, I hear faint grumblings of are you sure that's not too small.  Nope, it's perfect!
Our tree

Our tree all done up
 I decided to have a kid proof tree this year.  Well, as kid proof as you can make a tree, that is.  I made the garland as well as some of the ornaments.  Most of the ornaments are made of either felt or yarn.  However, I did make some out of orange slices.  It almost looks like stained glass if there is a light behind it.  I think that is pretty nifty!  I did go through some of the ornaments that I already had and I purchased a few others to get the look I was going for.

So far Pookie will go up to the tree and pat it.  I don't think he really knows what to make of it.  He really likes the lights though.  There is a section at the bottom that he keeps pulling down.  Then at night I tuck everything back into place. 

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