I hate bugs. Well, I should say that I hate bugs in my house. I have no problem with bugs outside the house. Unless it is a mosquito, I don't care where those little blood sucking creatures are, they all deserve to die. What really drives me nuts are baby spiders. (Yes, I do know that a spider is an arachnid and not an insect. But to me they go in the same category of creepy crawly's, aka, bugs.) Inevitably we put the air conditioners in and the spiders flock to the inside of my house. I go to great lengths to block off any possible point of entry, but they still find a way in. Then of course it has to be a mama spider. I think I could deal with the baby spiders if they came all at once. But they seem to come in waves. To top it off, they love me. They keep landing on me, which generally results in a lot of shrieking on my part. Rob has the audacity to just laugh at me. He blames me for the large influx of spiders. He seems to think that the house was spider free before I moved in. I just think he wasn't paying attention.
To make things more interesting, small sugar ants have started a conga line in front of the front door. I have no idea why they are congregating there, but they seem to think it's a great spot. I have found that the easiest way to dispose of all bugs inside the house is by sucking them up with the vacuum. Pookie likes to make sure to point out any bug inside the house. He will even open the closet door up and pull out the vacuum. Pookie has an interesting love affair with the vacuum. He knows how to turn it on and off, and he's not too bad at pushing it around. He hasn't yet figured out how to plug it in, but I'm sure that's coming soon. I have tried several non-toxic methods of getting rid of the ants. Too bad none of them worked. I finally pulled out my trusty can of Raid and attacked the front door with it. That seems to have done the trick.
This past Friday, we had the perfect day weather wise. It was low humidity and in the 70's. I don't think it could get any better than that. I decided to open up all the windows and let in the fresh air. I think the windows are original to the house. The house was built in the 50's. The windows leave quite a lot to be desired. Some are easier to open than others, but they all tend to stick. This generally results in a lot of banging to get the window to un-stick. On the front of the house we have a very lovely brick chimney and a small window on either side. Well, on the right side in-between the chimney and the window, there is a very lovely wasps nest. They seem to be quite happy there and the wasps haven't bothered anyone yet. (aka, Rob hasn't gotten around to spraying the nest and killing them all yet.) So I'm inside banging on the window, trying to get it to un-stick and all of a sudden, out side the window, I see a swarm of pissed off wasps. Oops. They were not happy campers. All I could think of was that our newspaper hadn't been delivered yet and I really hoped that our delivery lady didn't get stung. Luckily, the wasps calmed down very quickly and our newspaper was safely delivered.
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