Thursday, May 31, 2012


I love Ah Ha! moments.  When things click and all of a sudden, things make sense.  Some days I feel like I'm allergic to everything.  That isn't true, but I have a lot of little allergies to lots of different things.  It appears that Pookie is taking after me in that aspect.  Although, Rob's side of the family does have their fair share of allergies.  I went to an allergist at the beginning of college.  They did some testing, gave me some meds and sent me on my way.  Fast forward 15 years later and I take Zyrtec and hope for the best.  Well, I've had it.  I'm sick of sniveling.  Something has got to change!

So, I saw a new allergist, Dr. L., she's a nice lady.  A little hyper, but she's a good egg.  I had a scratch test done and I wasn't allergic to as many things as the last time I had it done.  That puzzles me a little, but this is only phase 1 in the testing.  One of the things I have issues with is over and under ripe fruit, random, I know.  Did you know that tree pollen can cross react and create issues with food.  For example, if you are allergic to Poplar tree pollen, you may have issues with apples.  Especially specific kinds of apples, because they have higher levels of allergenic proteins.  Apparently if you cook the food, it helps to break down these proteins and they become safer to eat.  (Ah Ha!) 

This helps to explain why Pookie can generally have blueberries, but sometimes he has issues with them.  It's all due to pollen!  I have to make an appointment for Pookie to see an allergist.  The only thing I am a little concerned about is the scratch test.  You have to lay on your stomach for 20 minutes after the scratches have been applied.  There is no way my child is going to sit still for 20 minutes.  Hopefully the doctor will have a brilliant idea on how to make it work! 

1 comment:

  1. fascinating! that's so interesting! thanks for sharing!
