Pookie and I met up with friends of ours to check out
Drumlin Farm. It's very cute. I feel a little odd calling a farm cute, but really, it kind of is. There are a couple of parts to the farm. There is a wildlife area with rescued animals that have either been injured or have had too much contact with humans and would not be able to survive in the wild. After that is a farm area with sheep, goats, chickens, pigs, cows and I think a donkey. There are also hiking trails on the property. At the entrance there is a farm stand where you can purchase items that have been grown on the farm.
Naturalist and Owl.
They look surprisingly similar. |
One of the naturalists did an Discovery Activity with an Eastern Screech Owl #3. Apparently there is also an #4 as well. I'm not sure about #'s 1 and 2. The naturalist was very enthusiastic about ESO #3. We stayed for the entire presentation. Apparently that made quite the impression on the naturalist. Especially considering that everyone else came and left in waves.
After our lunch, we went to explore the farm area of the property. I figured that I better let Pookie out of the stroller and run off some steam. Otherwise, I don't think I would have been able to get him into the car seat for the ride home. Pookie is definitely his father's child in many aspects. He spent a whole 30 seconds looking at a sheep, before noticing a guy with a wheelbarrow and going to investigate. I think Pookie spent more time looking at the farm equipment, than he did looking at the animals.

One of the things that I thought was very adorable was the signage posted around the farm. You can't see it in the picture, but in the chicken coop, above the door to the outside yard, reads "Flew the Coop." Then on the goat gate, there was "Got your Goat." There was one for the sheep gate, but I can't remember that one. Someone has a sense of humor!
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