Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oil and soap

Normally today Pookie and I would go to playgroup.  Pookie's naps have been all over the place and he is now in a trend of taking a nap when we are supposed to be going to the playgroup.  Boo.  I had purchased some pansies and wanted to get them into the ground sooner rather than later.  I decided today would be the day!  We had a bit of a rough start this morning.  Pookie was playing with the dresser drawers and managed to shut a finger in a drawer.  We moved to the kitchen, and while I was making breakfast, I hit him in the head with the refrigerator door.  Ouch.  After Pookie's nap we went out to plant some flowers. 

Pookie was an excellent helper.  He helped our neighbor to our left and to our right.  With the first one, he helped her look at her flag.  Then with the second one, he helped play with her dog.  He had fun waving at the garbage men.  Let's not forget about the hole he was trying to dig to China.  Such a pretty hole!  Of course the best place to put the dirt was on his lap.  He helped me water the flowers.  Then he decided to mosey on over to the garage.  As he was coming out of the garage, I noticed a brown liquid on his hands an face.  He got into the motor oil.  A phone call to the Poison Control Center later, and we are all good.  (Did you know that the PCC will call you back at regular intervals to make sure everything is still okay?  Talk about customer service!  They rock!)  Seeing as Pookie was covered in oil, I needed to scrub him down.  I grabbed the dish detergent, seeing as it's tough on grease.  Plus, it was the closest thing I could grab.  Wouldn't you know it, Pookie ate the soap.  I think I am officially surrendering.  This child will eat anything.  I'm just waiting for soap bubbles to be coming out one end or the other. 

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