Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Letting go

When Pookie was first born, I felt that he was an extension of myself. In a way he is. I carried him for 10, yes 10, long months. I fully understand that he has 1/2 of my husband's DNA and 1/2 mine. But I almost feel like I have a bigger percentage because I was the one that was cooking him. Since Pookie has been born, there have been a series of events that remind me that even though he's my baby, he's not mine. Not mine in the since that he is his own person, with his own freewill.
A child,
loaned to you for a time
to teach-to nurture
to love.
How long we keep that child
depends-not on us
or him
but God.
We must thank God for
that loan of a
precious spirit
so dear to Him.
And must not balk
when He asks for
repayment of that
Author Carolyn Ford Witt
Ms. Caroline
Within the past several weeks Pookie has been hitting several milestones. From rolling over, to eating solids, then scooting and trying to crawl forward. He's getting the hang of sitting upright by himself, without having to put his hand out for support. Now we've transferred him to his crib. I had been keeping him in his basket and delaying moving him to his crib for several reasons. But this morning was an interesting one. He woke up early, bright eyed and bushy tailed. I however had only gotten about 5 hours in. I am not a morning person, and I need my sleep. Otherwise it is a VERY BAD combination. Generally I can get him to take a nap, which means that I can take a nap. I like naps, they make me very happy. Today, was not a napping sort of day in Pookie's opinion. At one point I looked over and he had sat up in his basket and was playing with items on the bookcase shelf. Needless to say that did not sit well with me. So I've made some adjustments to the house, and tonight is the first time Pookie is sleeping in his crib.  He has taken naps in it before, but at night I've always put him in his basket in my room.  Rob and I peeked into his room and Pookie is all curled up in one corner. It will be interesting to see where he ends up in his crib by tomorrow morning.

Off he goes

My little Pookie-pie is on the move.  He is scooting around like a man on a mission.  He is trying really hard to go forward.  Generally it ends up being a series of swan dives.  He'll get up on his hands and knees, then his knees will try to do something and he plunges forward.  This action always seems to be near the coffee table.  Our coffee table is a heavy piece of furniture and sharp edges abound.  Pookie has managed to whack himself a few times on the table.  It's getting to the point where I'm tempted to surround the table in bubble wrap.  Or find a lovely ottoman with storage to use in place of the table.  Rob's all for the bubble wrap. 

Reverse however, Pookie has down pat.  I'll put him on his blanket on the floor and off he goes.  I keep having to rescue him from wherever he has lodged himself.  I'll plop him down so I can start dinner or whatever, then within a few minutes I can hear him sending out an SOS.  He makes the funniest distressed noises.  First, I need to find where he has managed to get himself stuck.  Luckily our living room isn't huge, and there are only a few places where he can get really wedged.  Generally by the time I find him all that can be seen is his head and arms.  Pookie has managed to find almost every dust bunny in my living room.  I've gotten to the point where I am tempted to attach Swiffers to him to help keep the floors clean.  But I think that may be on the verge of crossing the line. 

Monday, July 25, 2011


I have a love affair with IKEA.  You can literally furnish an entire house with one stop shopping.  What's not to love?  Plus it's cheap.  So when something happens to it, I don't feel bad.  I needed to make an emergency IKEA run, so Pookie, my aunt and I hopped into the truck and took off.  I love it when Rob lets me drive his pick-up.  I play a game of "whose truck is bigger?".  I like it when "my truck is bigger than your truck".  For whatever reason, I take great enjoyment in that.  Sometimes it's all about the little things.  (For those of you who are wondering, Rob has three trucks.  Two dump trucks and a pick-up.  He uses the pick-up as his personal truck.) 

At the store, I was a gal on a mission.  I had gone on-line over the weekend and came up with a list of things that I needed.  Yes, I needed a list.  It was two pages and it really came in handy!  We got through the showroom floor fairly quickly.  It really helped that we just cut through to the children's section.  Even with my list, all sorts of other really cute things ended up in my bag.  My best buy is a $0.99 picture frame that is double-sided.  I did manage to restrain myself a little.  There were these little kid chairs that were on sale for $9.99, and normally they are $24.99.  They were such cute chairs!  But alas, cute kid chairs were not part of my emergency run.  I think that may be a trip for another day... 

The downstairs marketplace was another story entirely.  You really have to take your time and look at everything.  I love the way it's set up.  Whomever designed the IKEA stores was really thinking.  They have maximized the amount of time that you look at a product and they show it to you in two different formats.  I love going into other peoples homes and seeing how they've decorated.  By using things, you get ideas for things to do in your own home.  IKEA has completely capitalized on that.  Then for the people that need to look at all of the options, there is the marketplace where you can see all of the fill-in-the-blank together.  IKEA has strategic places to eat.  There are free baby diapers in the bathrooms in case of emergencies.  You can buy baby food in the main restaurant!  This place is set up so you can spend a whole day there. 

The only downside is you have to bring everything home and assemble it yourself.  Luckily this isn't too big a problem for me, see for mentioned truck.  Plus, I LOVE assembling things!  I know, I'm odd, but it's fun to see how things go together.  It's all about the little things.  There was some concern today about the trip home.  Not because I was worried about transport, but before I left the house the news said something about rain.  The weather people around here don't have the best track record, and I didn't plan on staying long.  Well wouldn't you know, we stayed longer then planned, and it started raining when the weatherman predicted it would.  Go figure.  My aunt's solution was to keep the truck in motion so the rain would fly off the windshield and miss the truck bed.  We got stuck in rush hour traffic.  Luckily the items in the back seem to be none the worst for wear.

Whirled peas, please!

Somewhere deep down in me, I am a Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, crunch granola person.  I try to recycle and be as environmentally friendly as I can.  I don't go to great lengths to do this, and I feel that there are many ways that I could change my current life style to be more earth-friendly.  But sometimes time and budget win out.  I was very proud of myself, last weekend I went to the farmers market at Spence Farms to bulk up on some veggies.  In addition to the veggies, I bought hamburg, eggs, flowers and tea.  I think I made out fairly well. 

I love green vegetables.  I think I could eat my weight in spinach, brussel sprouts and asparagus.  Rob tolerates green veggies.  There are some that he likes better than others.  He rather enjoys roasted asparagus.  However, he hates peas.  Who could hate peas?  They are cute and such a lovely shade of green.  Little pops of happiness in your mouth.  I really like peas.  One of my finds at the farmers market was snap peas.  Growing up we always had gardens.  Peas were a recurring item.  I remember "helping" my mom shuck peas for dinner.  Last night I shucked my peas and we had them for dinner tonight.  Rob did take a small helping.  Although, I think most of the peas were passed along to the dog.  Luckily for Rob, Bailey likes fruits, veggies and cheerios.  Needless to say, there were quite a few peas left over.  So I decided to get crafty.

One of my good friends, Cath, gave me CookingLight First Foods when Pookie was born.  Cath is a wonderful cook.  I love visiting because one, the food is awesome, two, she cooks mainly vegan and three, she's a really fun person to hang out with.  She does add in some dairy and eggs from time to time.  But I love the fact that for the most part I can eat whatever she's making.  Considering I have a dairy intolerance, this is a fabulous thing indeed!  It's too bad she lives in Minnesota.  That's a little far away for regular visits. 

I love the thought of making homemade baby food.  I don't think that it will happen 100% of the time, but baby food is just big people food pulverized.  So with all of my extra peas, I thought to myself, that this would be an excellent time to make some baby food for Pookie.  I pulled out CookingLight First Foods, got out the Cuisinart and went to work.  If I do say so myself, it didn't come out too bad.  I did manage to get peas all over the place though.  I think next time I need to cook the peas longer, but on the whole it looks like a slightly chunkier version of what comes out of the jar.  Oh, and it is the most beautiful shade of green!  I have some left over carrots, they might be heading the same way as the peas...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Don't wake the baby

I was never a napper when I was little.  I only took naps when I was sick, and then I would fall asleep around dinner time.  Enforced naps in kindergarten were horrible.  I remember my mom having to explain to me that other little kids actually needed their naps and I needed to be quiet and sit still.  It was very difficult for me to sit still.  Fast forward to collage, where I quickly realized the benefits to naps.  I perfected the art and now I rather enjoy them.  This is excellent because my little Pookie is all over the place. 

He was sleeping through the night, then he hit 4 months and everything went out the window.  He is starting to get back into a pattern where he sleeps through the night.  But some nights he wakes up between 1 - 3 times.  Ugh.  My salvation is nap time.  Pookie's naps are like his night time sleep schedule.  They are all over the place.  We get into a routine for a few days and then it goes kaboom!  Today was not a good nap day.  It started off where Pookie woke up for a 1am feeding.  I got him back into bed around 2, and he did sleep until about 10.  Which is good and not so good, because his morning nap got pushed into the afternoon and then he only slept for 20 minutes.  I thought to myself, that's okay, there is always the later nap.  Well the later nap came, he cried for almost an hour before falling asleep.  He finally drifted off, and I went to the basement to move laundry around. 

My hubby and FIL were in the garage doing good lord knows what.  My FIN's leg is broken, so he needed my MIL to pick him up once they finished doing whatever it is that they were working on.  This is also a wonderful excuse for them to visit with Pookie.  Rob comes down to where the laundry to let me know that his dad is upstairs and his mom is on her way over.  "Great," I told him, "just whatever you do, don't wake the baby."  Pookie had only been asleep for about 15 minutes at this point.  "Sure thing," Rob replied, "we're being quiet."  I come upstairs 5 minutes later, and guess who's awake, and sitting on Grampy's lap?  Yep, that would be Pookie.  Rob swears that they didn't wake him up.  They might not have woken Pookie up, but they didn't try to get him to go back to sleep either.  It's all good.  I think it is very important that he spends time with his grandparents, and it's a hoot watching them interact with each other! 

Here's hoping that Pookie will sleep good tomorrow, because I'm going to need a nap! 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Not for the faint of heart

I would like to start off by saying that I am getting on my soapbox for this blog.  I would like to apologize in advance.

There is nothing natural about breastfeeding.  There, I've said it, and if you ask anyone that knows anything about it, they'll agree with me.  It is something that both the mom and baby need to learn, and there is quite the learning curve.  If the baby doesn't have a proper latch, let me tell you, it HURTS!  This was something that I wanted to do and was determined to accomplish.  But it isn't for everybody. 

I am a breastfeeding mom.  I made that choice for a variety of reasons.  Including, but not limited to:
- Allergies run in my family.  Really nasty allergies.  More than likely my son will have them too, and it seems to be turning out that way.  I have never heard of a baby being allergic to breast milk.
- It gives the baby extra immunities.  Always a bonus.
- It helps the mom recover after having the baby.  Also, studies have shown that if a woman breastfeeds at least two years over the course of her lifetime, it decreases her risk of breast cancer.
I could go on, but I think my point has been made.  But just because this is something that I want to do does it mean that it is in any way, shape or form easy. 

When I started off, I thought that everything was happy and hunky-dory.  Then at one of my son's check-ups, the doctor mentioned that he wasn't gaining weight like he should.  I went to see a lactation consultant, and low and behold, I have a low milk supply.  I've tried to boost my supply, to no avail.  So we've had to supplement with formula. 

Like I mentioned, there are A LOT of allergies in my family.  This includes food allergies.  My son has allergies to milk and soy.  This means that he uses a hypoallergenic formula.  The liquid kind.  It's $9.49 a bottle.  He goes through at least 5 bottles a week.  It gets expensive to say the least.

Several days ago, a friend of mine posted a comment about WIC on Facebook.  This post mentioned how he actually saw WIC being used properly.  There were a couple of comments, two which referred to breastfeeding.  Both people mentioned how WIC shouldn't give vouchers for formula, that the mothers should breastfeed instead.  Well, these comments really got me thinking.  I'm lucky, my husband has a good job, and makes a good weeks paycheck.  We can afford for me to stay home with our son.  We can afford to buy the formula that we need.  We are in a comfortable situation.  Not everyone is that lucky.  Some people just need a little extra help to get to where they need to be.  I've known a few people in that situation, and they have gone on to be in a much better place.  Breastfeeding isn't for everyone.  Even though I have had a few bumps in the road with it, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.  But the thought of telling someone, you have to breastfeed, doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.  I think it should be highly encouraged, but not mandatory, and what happens to the mom's that just can't breastfeed for one reason or another?  I guess their babies just need to learn to eat solids at an early age. 

I have a question for the people who responded to my friends Facebook post.  Do they have kids and were those kids breastfeed?  If the answer is no, then maybe they should reconsider their comments.

I'm getting off my soapbox now. 

In other news, my wonderful hubby took me out for a date night.  (Pookie tagged along too, it's a good thing he's so cute!)  We went to Flatbread Pizza.  I love ordering the vegan pizza with pulled pork.  There is just something inherently ironic about that! 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How I know my honey loves me

I have a wonderful sweetie-pie, and I love him dearly.  One of the things that I love most about him is how he shows me that he loves me.  (Don't worry, I'm keeping this clean.)  Forget flowers, forget jewelry, he makes sure that my car is spotless.  On my list of things to keep clean, my car might just be at the bottom.  Several years ago I decided that my car was looking a little worse for wear and it needed to be cleaned out.  There was enough sand on the floor to create my very own beach.  That made me smile, because I've always wanted waterfront property.  Now just because my car is in general need of a bath, that doesn't mean that there is garbage all over the place.  It's neat, just not clean. 
One of Rob's favorite past-times is to wash his trucks.  When he built his new garage (which has almost the same square footage as the house, mind you), he made sure that there was heat and water.  That way he can wash his vehicles during all sorts of weather.  I like to make fun of this particular habit, but really I find it rather endearing. 
Anyway, back to my original thought.  Within any marriage, there are the little ways that you tell each other "I love you".  Every time Rob cleans my car, changes the oil, makes sure that my car has gas, or brings me Munchkins from Dunkin's, I know he's saying "I love you".  In this perticular case, one of his guys who also does detail work, has taken my car over night to give it a real good scrub down.  This is how I know my honey loves me.

And so it begins.

For whatever reason I have really gotten into reading other peoples blogs.  Then I started thinking, what if I created my own?  Do I really have enough interesting thoughts to share with others?  I have found myself in an interesting situation.  I have become a Stay at Home Mom!  Woo Hoo!  I wouldn't trade this for anything.  With that being said, I feel disconnected in some way.  I'm no longer going to a job and communicating with others.  I went from working in retail and seeing quite a few people in an eight hour shift, down to two.  My husband and small son.  (Don't worry, I do manage to get out of the house on a somewhat regular basis.) 
Seeing that I'm now a SaHM, my husband thinks I have nothing to do.  Silly, silly man.  Part of the bargain we made is that I take care of the house and he makes all the money.  Apparently I still have some free time to rub together so I have decided to become his Office Manager.  My wonderful husband owns Hawley Landscaping.  He does have guys working for him, but he is really busy.  As anyone who is self employed knows, you never leave your job at work.  It's especially hard when it's sitting in your driveway.  I would actually like to see my husband on occasion, hence, I volunteered to be the Office Manager. 
In my previous life I was a Head Cashier at a major bookstore.  I got to play with money, press buttons, and shuffle paperwork.  In my opinion, I am rather qualified to be an Office Manager.  Now Rob has been running his business for a good 10 years or so.  He has an interesting way of running his office, and most of the information is in his head.  Considering he has quite a few accounts, this is impressive.  However, for me, this is bad.  He wants me to do billing, and yet there is no listing of how much he charges whom.  All I want to know is if there is a patron saint for office managers, because I think I might need a little help!
Last Friday night we went to a car show at Kimball Farm, in Lancaster.  We had a wonderful time, and they had pulled pork!  Happiness on a bun I tell you!  There were some wonderful old trucks there.  I pointed one out and mentioned how "Hawley Landscaping, Flower Division" would look wonderful on the side.  We have a running joke of sorts, about a Flower Division for the business.  I could putt around to all his customers planting flowers and having tea with all the little old ladies.  I truly love old people.  I think they're addorable (for the most part).  So when either of us sees an interesting old truck, we point out to the other how it would be wonderful for the Flower Division.  Maybe one day!