Monday, June 25, 2012


On Sunday, Rob, Pookie, Nanny (Rob's mom) and I went on a plant shopping expedition!  We are one step closer to our flower bed!  There will be a post later about our pretty new plants.  This post is about Pookie's adventures at the nursery.  Seeing as Pookie can move rather quickly, I have decided to invest in a snazzy leash.  It is a very cute lion!  Please don't judge me for using a leash on my child.  My younger brother was a runner and would be gone in 5 seconds flat.  I don't want to loose my child, especially considering what an inquisitive child Pookie is. 

I figured going to the nursery was a good time to test the leash out.  It would be quiet enough that if Pookie did have a problem with it, we could just keep a very close eye on him.  We brought the stroller with us just in case he wanted to get wheeled around.  The stroller also makes an excellent place to put things.  Seeing as Nanny only needed to get a couple of plants, she was in charge of Pookie.  I love watching the two of them, they have this mutual love fest going on, it's very cute to watch!  Poor Nanny is very used to walking our deceased pooch, Bailey.  Pookie is not a dog, even though he tends to act like one.  At one point I looked over and saw Pookie tripping over something and Nanny yanked up the tether.  Here is Pookie, dangling off the ground, with his feet going.  It was hilarious!  Good save Nanny!  Pookie takes a lot of spills through out the day.  However, the plants at the nursery are all outside and the ground is covered in 3/4" rock.  The ground would have made quite the lasting impression on Pookie, if Nanny hadn't yanked back on the tether.  At first Nanny was keeping Pookie on a short leash, but as the day went on, she was giving him more freedom to wander around.  By the end of our shopping expedition, Nanny and Pookie found the shed in the middle of the grounds.  Pookie was having a grand time going up and down the steps and finding a good spot to sit for a few minutes. 

Pookie has decided that his leash is his new BFF.  He'll go over to it and give it hugs and kisses.  Later in the day on Sunday, he picked it up and brought it over to me.  I tucked the tether into the backpack and put it on him.  Pookie seems to think that his lion is the snazziest thing ever.  Hopefully he won't change his mind any time soon. 

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