Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ghostly pictures

I have an old 35mm Nikkormat camera that used to be my fathers.  I love that camera.  It's bulky and temperamental.  Sometimes it refuses to load film properly.  I love it.  It takes the best pictures.  Mainly because I have to really think about the picture that I am taking.  Then take the time to properly focus and snap the picture.  There is a certain quality of the photos that I love.  Generally I can only use it outdoors or in a place that has really good light.  I do have a flash attachment, but it's kind of wobbly and I feel that it will hit me in the head at any moment.  Considering that it's a good 4 inches tall and fairly weighty, the fact that I might get bashed in the head is a legitimate concern. 

I haven't used my camera in a few years.  I decided to dust it off and start using it again.  When I pulled out my camera bag, I realized that there was film in the Nikkormat, as well as a 35mm point and shoot camera and two disposables.  I decided to finish off the rolls of film and have them developed.  The photos, as I have come to find out, were taken between 2006 and 2009.  It feels like they were from a life time ago.  In the past four years my extended family has changed.  People got mad at other people, lines were drawn and war was declared. 

It was odd going through the photos I just had developed.  I felt like I was seeing ghosts.  To help matters along, I had double exposed a roll of film.  The first exposure of pictures were from visiting a cemetery where some of my relatives were buried.  Then on top of that was my cousins birthday party.  Those pictures had a very distinct ghostly quality to them.  Nothing like little girls faces semi imposed over gravestones.  There were a few pictures that I wish had turned out better.  The light was bad and the photos are very dark.  Regardless, the photos will get sorted and put away.  I am off on a mission to find black and white film to use with my Nikkormat.  My goal is to take some quality photos of Pookie.  Wish me luck!

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