Monday, July 25, 2011

Whirled peas, please!

Somewhere deep down in me, I am a Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, crunch granola person.  I try to recycle and be as environmentally friendly as I can.  I don't go to great lengths to do this, and I feel that there are many ways that I could change my current life style to be more earth-friendly.  But sometimes time and budget win out.  I was very proud of myself, last weekend I went to the farmers market at Spence Farms to bulk up on some veggies.  In addition to the veggies, I bought hamburg, eggs, flowers and tea.  I think I made out fairly well. 

I love green vegetables.  I think I could eat my weight in spinach, brussel sprouts and asparagus.  Rob tolerates green veggies.  There are some that he likes better than others.  He rather enjoys roasted asparagus.  However, he hates peas.  Who could hate peas?  They are cute and such a lovely shade of green.  Little pops of happiness in your mouth.  I really like peas.  One of my finds at the farmers market was snap peas.  Growing up we always had gardens.  Peas were a recurring item.  I remember "helping" my mom shuck peas for dinner.  Last night I shucked my peas and we had them for dinner tonight.  Rob did take a small helping.  Although, I think most of the peas were passed along to the dog.  Luckily for Rob, Bailey likes fruits, veggies and cheerios.  Needless to say, there were quite a few peas left over.  So I decided to get crafty.

One of my good friends, Cath, gave me CookingLight First Foods when Pookie was born.  Cath is a wonderful cook.  I love visiting because one, the food is awesome, two, she cooks mainly vegan and three, she's a really fun person to hang out with.  She does add in some dairy and eggs from time to time.  But I love the fact that for the most part I can eat whatever she's making.  Considering I have a dairy intolerance, this is a fabulous thing indeed!  It's too bad she lives in Minnesota.  That's a little far away for regular visits. 

I love the thought of making homemade baby food.  I don't think that it will happen 100% of the time, but baby food is just big people food pulverized.  So with all of my extra peas, I thought to myself, that this would be an excellent time to make some baby food for Pookie.  I pulled out CookingLight First Foods, got out the Cuisinart and went to work.  If I do say so myself, it didn't come out too bad.  I did manage to get peas all over the place though.  I think next time I need to cook the peas longer, but on the whole it looks like a slightly chunkier version of what comes out of the jar.  Oh, and it is the most beautiful shade of green!  I have some left over carrots, they might be heading the same way as the peas...


  1. I wish we lived closer, too! Or that airfare was cheaper. ;)

  2. Cheaper airfair would be WONDERFUL! Someday I would like to make a road trip to Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Rob think's I'm insane.
