Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Letting go

When Pookie was first born, I felt that he was an extension of myself. In a way he is. I carried him for 10, yes 10, long months. I fully understand that he has 1/2 of my husband's DNA and 1/2 mine. But I almost feel like I have a bigger percentage because I was the one that was cooking him. Since Pookie has been born, there have been a series of events that remind me that even though he's my baby, he's not mine. Not mine in the since that he is his own person, with his own freewill.
A child,
loaned to you for a time
to teach-to nurture
to love.
How long we keep that child
depends-not on us
or him
but God.
We must thank God for
that loan of a
precious spirit
so dear to Him.
And must not balk
when He asks for
repayment of that
Author Carolyn Ford Witt
Ms. Caroline
Within the past several weeks Pookie has been hitting several milestones. From rolling over, to eating solids, then scooting and trying to crawl forward. He's getting the hang of sitting upright by himself, without having to put his hand out for support. Now we've transferred him to his crib. I had been keeping him in his basket and delaying moving him to his crib for several reasons. But this morning was an interesting one. He woke up early, bright eyed and bushy tailed. I however had only gotten about 5 hours in. I am not a morning person, and I need my sleep. Otherwise it is a VERY BAD combination. Generally I can get him to take a nap, which means that I can take a nap. I like naps, they make me very happy. Today, was not a napping sort of day in Pookie's opinion. At one point I looked over and he had sat up in his basket and was playing with items on the bookcase shelf. Needless to say that did not sit well with me. So I've made some adjustments to the house, and tonight is the first time Pookie is sleeping in his crib.  He has taken naps in it before, but at night I've always put him in his basket in my room.  Rob and I peeked into his room and Pookie is all curled up in one corner. It will be interesting to see where he ends up in his crib by tomorrow morning.

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