Saturday, July 23, 2011

Don't wake the baby

I was never a napper when I was little.  I only took naps when I was sick, and then I would fall asleep around dinner time.  Enforced naps in kindergarten were horrible.  I remember my mom having to explain to me that other little kids actually needed their naps and I needed to be quiet and sit still.  It was very difficult for me to sit still.  Fast forward to collage, where I quickly realized the benefits to naps.  I perfected the art and now I rather enjoy them.  This is excellent because my little Pookie is all over the place. 

He was sleeping through the night, then he hit 4 months and everything went out the window.  He is starting to get back into a pattern where he sleeps through the night.  But some nights he wakes up between 1 - 3 times.  Ugh.  My salvation is nap time.  Pookie's naps are like his night time sleep schedule.  They are all over the place.  We get into a routine for a few days and then it goes kaboom!  Today was not a good nap day.  It started off where Pookie woke up for a 1am feeding.  I got him back into bed around 2, and he did sleep until about 10.  Which is good and not so good, because his morning nap got pushed into the afternoon and then he only slept for 20 minutes.  I thought to myself, that's okay, there is always the later nap.  Well the later nap came, he cried for almost an hour before falling asleep.  He finally drifted off, and I went to the basement to move laundry around. 

My hubby and FIL were in the garage doing good lord knows what.  My FIN's leg is broken, so he needed my MIL to pick him up once they finished doing whatever it is that they were working on.  This is also a wonderful excuse for them to visit with Pookie.  Rob comes down to where the laundry to let me know that his dad is upstairs and his mom is on her way over.  "Great," I told him, "just whatever you do, don't wake the baby."  Pookie had only been asleep for about 15 minutes at this point.  "Sure thing," Rob replied, "we're being quiet."  I come upstairs 5 minutes later, and guess who's awake, and sitting on Grampy's lap?  Yep, that would be Pookie.  Rob swears that they didn't wake him up.  They might not have woken Pookie up, but they didn't try to get him to go back to sleep either.  It's all good.  I think it is very important that he spends time with his grandparents, and it's a hoot watching them interact with each other! 

Here's hoping that Pookie will sleep good tomorrow, because I'm going to need a nap! 

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