Sunday, September 4, 2011

The ants go marching...

We have had a small infestation of ants going on.  This drives me nuts.  When my family was living in Wisconsin, we had an infestation of carpenter ants.  The Orkin man came on a regular basis, but they were never able to find where the nest was located.  After a rather long period of time, the ants decided to find a new home.  This experience really made me hate bugs in the house.  I don't think it helped that the Orkin man told me how carpenter ants can bite, and he mentioned how in one case they got into a babies crib and bit the baby.  Ugh!  I am prone to nightmares as it is, and this sent me over the edge.  I had nightmares of ants invading my bed and carrying me off. 

All homes have ants from time to time.  Apparently, they find my house rather enjoyable starting in July and going into September.  We have a few different kinds of ants.  They come in various sizes.  I'm not worried that we have carpenter ants.  But they are beyond annoying.  We have sprayed around the house and set up ant traps where we find them the most.  But I generally end up having to kill several during the day.  Pookie has gotten in on the act.  The other day he was scooting around.  Well, he sat on one and squished it.  Score one for Pookie! 

The danger comes in the ant traps themselves.  The other night I was chatting with Rob in the living room.  Pookie had scooted into the kitchen and I could hear him playing with his bowl and wooden spoon.  Then things got quiet.  You know what quiet means.  The child is getting into trouble.  Well, Pookie had an ant trap in each hand and had decided to try to gnaw on one.  I grabbed Pookie, popped the ant traps out of his hands and rushed him to the bathroom to hose him down.  While I was doing that Rob cleaned up the mess.  Don't worry, Pookie didn't ingest any poison.  Or at least there haven't been any side effects.  Hopefully he didn't eat any ants, but as my mom said in an attempt to reassure me, "it's just a little extra protein."  Yep, thanks mom.  I know that there are much worse things that Pookie could eat, other than ants.  Hopefully he won't get any bright ideas!

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