Sunday, August 14, 2011

How I know my honey loves me Part 2

I've had an interesting day.  It started with Pookie sleeping until 9am.  (Thank you God!)  Then it progressed to my honey buying me Munchkins.  He was debating on whether he should buy me a drink or not, so he only bought the Munchkins.  (When in doubt, buy the drink!)  Mid-morning, while Pookie was eating his cereal he whacked the bowl and the entire thing went over me and the floor.  He decided to do this three bites in.  So a kitchen clean-up and breakfast remake later, Pookie was well fed.  As the day progressed, I had a lovely visit with one of my aunts. 

Then my honey suggested that we go out to dinner for a modified date night.  I love date night, especially when they pop up as a surprise.  We went out for Chinese, and I was able to get egg rolls.  I love egg rolls, they are yummy and delicious!  Pookie decided to be good and slept through most of dinner.  The ever-wonderful nap!  Even after he woke up, he was very content to look around at the other people.  He really loves to study people.  There was a table close to us that had a large group of people.  They were finishing up as we were looking through the menu.  We chatted with two of the ladies as they were getting ready to leave.  After they left and the waiter was cleaning up, he notice their to-go bag under the table.  Luckily one of the ladies realized they had left behind their leftovers and came back for it.  I was joking with her that normally I make it all the way home before realizing that I had forgotten the leftovers.

The meal was yummy and we had had some left over, so it all got wrapped up!   Score, leftovers!  I thought Rob had maneuvered the bag as I was getting myself and Pookie all together.  Rob grabbed Pookie and off we went.  We made it all the way home and were getting into the house when I asked "where are the leftovers?".  Yep, we left them in the restaurant.  I thought Rob had grabbed them and he thought I had.  I was a little upset about this.  I had saved an egg roll for the exact purpose of bringing it home with me.  Rob, my ever-valiant honey-pie, volunteered to go back to the restaurant to pick up our leftovers.  With a minute or two of hemming and hawing on my part, then a phone call to the restaurant to make sure they still had the leftovers later, Rob drove back to pick it up.  Just so I could have my leftovers.  That right there Ladies and Gentlemen, is true love. 

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