Friday, August 12, 2011

Lost and Found

I've never had a problem with socks going missing until I moved to Massachusetts.  I swear my grandparent's washing machine ate socks as a snack.  When we brought Pookie home from the hospital, he was wearing a very cute outfit with brown socks.  As babies tend to do, they loose socks.  It always seems to be from the same foot.  One day I would like to know why.  Anyway, he happened to loose a sock and I placed it on top of some blankets on the love seat.  Rob needed to sit down, and he moved the pile.  Wouldn't you know it, the sock went missing.  Rob looked, my mom looked and I looked, to no avail.  We went through the blankets, we searched the couch.  Nothing.  I knew that sock had to be there somewhere, so I kept the mate tucked away in a drawer.  Wouldn't you know it, I was in a fit of cleaning today, and I found the missing sock.  Almost 7 months later and it was covered in dust bunnies.  (No surprise there!)  I think the couch ate the sock, then it took 6+ months to digest it and it has popped out the other end.  (Nice visual, I know.)  I'm really kind of excited that I've managed to find this sock.  Sometimes, it's all about the little things in life.  The really funny thing about this is that I've pulled the couch out on several occasions.  Never once seeing even a glimpse of the missing sock.  Trust me, I searched that couch high and low.  From now on I'm going to have to keep closer tabs on loose socks on the love seat.  Especially now that I know that it likes to eat them as snacks!

1 comment:

  1. Appropriate that the sock was brown, eh? ;)

    I'm so glad you are blogging! I love reading about your life! Miss you!
